My name is Dr. Ronald T. Linzner. I’ve been a practicing Chiropractors in Barrie for nearly twenty years now. In these twenty years I’ve learnt a few things and have seen a few trends.
One of the major trends that I’ve noticed is, seasonally dependent diagnosis. Since it’s not a common term, I’ll explain it to you. This term represents a condition that is seen far more frequently at a certain time of the year due to some factors and climatic conditions beyond our control.
Let’s discuss a few of these diagnoses to understand why they happen. This will help you to know what may be happening to you or your loved ones at a certain time. This may also give you the insight of how a chiropractor can help you with these conditions.
Some of the common seasonally dependent diagnosis are:
1.Sacroiliac pain and dysfunction with exaggerated gluteal or bum muscle involvement.
1.This problem commonly arises between mid-December to late March with great deal of frequency. It most commonly starts in January.
2.The reason for it is quite simple. The ground is often cold and slippery at this time of the year. People cannot have their normal stride and gait cycle and instead of pushing off with their toes and calves and propelling forward, they walk flat footed and straight legged in order to avoid slipping.
3.The farther and faster they walk, the worse it gets.
4.I’ve observed and treated it successfully year after year. If you also suffer from the pain in your lower.

2.Foot and knee pain
1.It’s common in the Spring season.
2.People have been cooped up all winter and as the weather changes, they’re able to get out and do more activities.
3.In Spring, people walk farther and more briskly than they have all winter. As a result they stretch the fascia on their feet and torque their knees and send underlying foot mechanical problems to a prominent position.
I generally assess the patient to make sure I’ve the correct diagnosis and then treat the inflammation. I also analyse their gait to see if an orthotic is necessary for some time. If necessary, custom orthotics are provided to each patient. These orthotics are very successful in treating patients and get them moving back at speed.
3.Pain between the shoulder blades:
1.This is very common in the fall.
2.People rake leaves and perform other physical activities in their lawns that they do not do all year long.
3.As a result of increase in such activities strain of the musculature is caused and often subluxation of rib also heads.
This condition can be easily and best treated by an experienced chiropractor.
The point of this story is that seeing a chiropractor with years of experience leaves you benefiting from his wealth of experience in finding, diagnosing and treating conditions efficiently.
Whenever you need a chiropractors in Barrie, call me, Dr Ronald T. Linzner. I have long experience in diagnosing and treating conditions for legs, back, shoulders and neck. At my chiropractic clinic we also provide custom orthotics to suit your needs and ease.
Author Bio:
Dr. Ronald T. Linzner B.Sc., D.C. has been a
chiropractor for Back Pain in Barrie, Ontario since his graduation in 1996. He has an interest in the feet and gait and their effect on the spine and is experienced in diagnosing and correcting problems with your gait. He designs custom orthotics and orthopedic shoes. If you are not sure if it is a chiropractic problem ask. He will be happy to let you know.
Call us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ron.