Friday, November 25, 2016

Orthotics in Barrie – Why experience counts

If you live in Barrie, orthotics are offered by many chiropractic clinics, however, it’s important to do your research and find a chiropractic clinic in Barrie that will work with you to ensure the best orthotic experience.
If you need orthotics and live in Barrie, we are the place and here is why.  In the modern age, most clinics are offering some sort of computerized gait scan to diagnose and manufacture orthotics.  We were one of the first chiropractic clinics in Barrie to do this but now we are not the only one.  I have been using the Footmaxx system since 1997.  That is 20 years of experience with computerized gait scanning and orthotic prescription.

Why our chiropractic clinic in Barrie for orthotics?

If you are ready to order custom orthotics in Barrie, then you should go to the clinic where the doctor has the most experience in ordering and designing the orthotics.  During our many years of experience, we’ve worked with patients with varied cases and needs.  This has enabled us to make better recommendations and also see better and longer lasting results.
Many clinics are now using the same software, so you need to decide based on the experience of the doctor to get the best orthotics in Barrie.  The software can assess the pressure points and design a basic module but the orthotic must be built on that module by an expert.  This step is crucial.  If the orthotic is not designed well, then it will be tougher to get in your shoes or too bulky and will be harder to wear.  This results in return visits to the clinic to get the orthotic re-fitted.
It is the job of the doctor to make your orthotics easy to wear so that you can use them as often as possible.

Working with our chiropractor to select the right orthotics

There have been many new products developed by our suppliers in the last year that are making a patient’s experiences enjoyable. We can design orthotics made with graphite and silver impregnated top covers that absorb odors. There are special orthotics designed to meet the stringent requirements of certain sports. We can even make an orthotic custom fit to your hockey or figure skates. Flip flops have often been the nemesis of chiropractic patients and now they are available with built in orthotics for our patients.
At our chiropractic clinic in Barrie, orthotics are even built-in to custom made shoes for our patients. The possibilities are increasing everyday.
If you are experiencing foot pain, knee pain or low back pain, now is a perfect time to be assessed to see if you may benefit from orthotic therapy. We offer a complimentary assessment with all initial orthotic visits. Today’s technology, along with our extensive experience, ensures a quality product that provides correction of the gait and ultimately the relief of discomfort and pain. If you live in Barrie or are just visiting and require or simply would like more information on orthotics, contact our chiropractic clinic in Barrie and we would be pleased to help you. We are your stop for orthotics in Barrie.
If you are interested in purchasing orthotics in Barrie, please contact us during office hours and we will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Summertime Tune Ups

This is the time of year that we see the most injuries at our chiropractic clinic Barrie. Most of these result from increased activities. Patients that have been cooped up all winter are ready to hit the ground running in the Spring and Summer. They go from a sedentary lifestyle to an active lifestyle overnight.
Don’t get me wrong.
It’s a great idea to be active and live an active and healthy life, but we can’t do it all at once. Unless you’ve kept up with some form of exercise during the Winter, trying to go full steam ahead with a fitness regimen at once can result in a serious setback.
In order for our bodies to function at a higher level, they need to work up to it. That means starting with a small increase in activity and then adding to that with time. We can increase the level of activity when our body feels ready. If we do it that way then we are less likely to injure ourselves. Don’t be overzealous and try to go from 0 to 60 in just one day. Start with some low impact exercises first and add more as you go each week or even every few days if you’re up for it. Be sure to warm up before you start and do a bit of cool down.
The next thing I find important is to seek help, when necessary. If you start an activity and it’s hurting you, be aware. Most likely it’s a problem with how you’re doing the activity or a problem with the joints or muscles that is easily treatable. All you need to do is ask. The difference between a weekend athlete and a professional is usually form. Those with perfect form are less likely to get injured. So work on your form. If you’re unsure what the right form is for a particular exercise, do your research or ask a professional that can give you guidance.
Your chiropractor is the perfect person to look at your situation. We are trained in musculoskeletal issues (issues that pertain to a combination of musculature and skeleton). We can decide on the appropriate course of action to get you back into tip top shape faster. A chiropractor that has some experience with sports and with those involved in sports can often help you develop a form that is not going to cause injury. This is especially important if you’ve had a prior injury or problem that could recur or get aggravated. In such cases, it’s best to consult your chiropractor ahead of time rather than deal with the fallout. It is the perfect time for a summertime tune up.
Call Simcoe County Chiropractic today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ron.

Author Bio:
Dr. Ronald T. Linzner B.Sc., D.C. has been a chiropractor for Back Pain in Barrie, Ontario since his graduation in 1996. He has an interest in the feet and gait and their effect on the spine and is experienced in diagnosing and correcting problems with your gait. He designs custom orthotics and orthopedic shoes. If you are not sure if it is a chiropractic problem ask. He will be happy to let you know.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Tennis Elbow: Causes and Treatment

Elbow pain is a condition of the elbow joint that leads to restricted movement of the elbow hindering normal daily movements. The elbow is a ball-and-socket joint, which is the conjunction point for your upper and lower arm. The elbow joint involves three types of bones – the humerus, the radius and ulna. Together these bones form a cup shape around a slippery, gelatinous sac, allowing elbow movement in all the different directions. When this joint is over-strained or injured, it leads to tennis elbow.
Chiropractic treatment has been proven to be safe and effective for elbow pain promoting healing and restoring strength without surgery or medication. In terms of elbow pain, Dr. Ron – chiropractor in Barrie, Ontario, aims not only to relieve the pain itself but to address the structural components of muscles and skeleton.
Two of the most common types of Tennis Elbow Conditions are:
Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis
Tennis elbow is a pain or soreness felt on the outside of the elbow. It’s a form of tendonitis caused by damage to the muscles and tendons connecting the forearm muscles to the elbow joint. This damage is most frequently caused by overuse of the joint, particularly when that overuse is repetitive.
Tennis elbow should not be ignored, as it’s unlikely to go away on its own. While pain from tennis elbow starts on the outside of the elbow, if the condition is left untreated, the pain can spread down the arm all the way to the wrist. Even simple tasks like turning a key in a lock or opening a door knob can become painful for someone suffering from tennis elbow.
Treatments for pain relief from tennis elbow include:
1.Using ice packs
2.Complete rest to the elbow
3.Graded exercise programs
4.Cross friction massage
5.Joint manipulation
Tennis elbow pain usually starts small and slowly increases, although occasionally the pain comes suddenly and as though out of nowhere. Any activity involving the elbow joint exacerbates the pain while lifting, brushing teeth, shaking hands, etc.
Posterior Tennis Elbow or Triceps Tendonitis
Also known as posterior elbow tendonitis, the difference between posterior tennis elbow and tennis elbow is in the part of the joint that’s affected by it. In tennis elbow, it’s the outside of the elbow while in posterior tennis elbow, it’s the back or underside of the elbow that’s involved. People involved in activities like throwing, serving, certain weight lifting, punching or motions that lead to rapid extension of the arm, are more prone to posterior tennis elbow.
Treatment for posterior tennis elbow includes:
1.Myofascial release
2.Cross friction massage
3.Use of ice pack
4.Complete rest to the elbow
The complexity of bones, muscles, and ligaments meeting at the elbow joint coupled with its range of motion, can cause parts of this joint to become irritated or inflamed. The causes for irritation and inflammation are most often a combination of overexertion and overuse. Infection, genetics, and degenerative diseases can also play a role in it.
Elbow pain is a common issue but tennis elbow is altogether a different and comparatively serious matter. It occurs more in the dominant arm and is more common in men than women. It occurs more with people of between 30 and 50 years of age. Given the right attention and the right treatment by an experienced chiropractor, it can be treated completely within a few weeks.
Call Simcoe County Chiropractic today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ron.
Author Bio:
Dr. Ronald T. Linzner B.Sc., D.C. has been a chiropractor for Back Pain in Barrie, Ontario since his graduation in 1996. He has an interest in the feet and gait and their effect on the spine and is experienced in diagnosing and correcting problems with your gait. He designs custom orthotics and orthopedic shoes. If you are not sure if it is a chiropractic problem ask. He will be happy to let you know.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Chiropractic is the Best Choice for Back Pain

Chiropractic is simply very effective for back pain. There is a huge problem, an epidemic even, with back trouble in our society. Seventy or eighty percent of people have backaches and of those a good proportion of these people will miss work or something they like to do. Absenteeism in the workforce is a huge concern for business and industry. Workers missing time as a result of back related ailments accounts for millions of lost dollars a year in Canada. Chiropractors are considered to be most efficient for treating these problems in the present and the future. The lack of benefit of acetaminophen in the treatment of back pain has just been released. This was one of the staples in the medical treatment of these ailments and it has been shown to be ineffective. Chiropractic has been shown to be much more effective than medical treatment for acute low back pain than acetaminophen.
Physiotherapy is also a common treatment, but is not as effective as chiropractic in the majority of cases. Chiropractic helps people with low back aches because as chiropractors we have access to the tools of physiotherapy with the addition of the powerful tools of spinal manipulation. The best therapy by far is chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy. In the Manga Report, commissioned by the Ontario government, chiropractic was listed as the most optimal choice for back aches because it got patients better twice as fast for half the cost of standard medical treatments like medications and physiotherapy. The medical journals now tell medical doctors that it is prudent to refer patients to chiropractors as they are the treatment specialists.
Dr Ronald Linzner is a Chiropractor for Back Pain, in Barrie, Ontario, specializing in the treatment of back aches and disorders of the spine and peripheral joints. The best choice for back pain is chiropractic and with Dr Ronald Linzner B.Sc., D.C. you'll find yourself in great hands.
Dr Ron uses several treatment methods into his practice with the goal of being the most trustworthy and caring Chiropractor for Back Pain. He knows that the spine can mimic many conditions and even effect areas that are not normally associated with the spine. Headaches are very common as are problems with the ribs or costovertebral joints. Headaches very commonly respond to chiropractic treatment and should be addressed as soon as possible if they occur. Patients with headaches are always very appreciative when they have been treated and helped. Other problems like gait issues are often overlooked by other professionals. Chiropractors, Dr Ronald Linzner in particular, pay special attention to how you walk and how that effects your overall well being. If your gait is not corrected you may cause an imbalance in the spine and pelvis leading to knee pain, foot pain, low back soreness and even headaches. Let Dr Ronald Linzner, a chiropractor in Barrie, be your choice for the treatment of your back, neck and foot related issues. Chiropractic is not only effective for all back ailments but also for headaches and orthotic therapy. A chiropractor like Dr Ronald Linzner can relate all of your issues together and is, therefore the one to count on for back trouble, headaches, and orthotic therapy.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

10 Tips to Relieve Neck Pain

10 Tips to Relieve Neck Pain
Chiropractic clinics these days get a lot of patients suffering from neck pain. Long working hours in front of the computer, irregular diet and improper posture are some of the contributing factors.
So how can you help yourself? How can you avoid or get rid of the neck pain?
Don’t worry, there are a few things that can help you stay fit and relieve your neck pain.
  1. Stay hydrated

  2. Water intake is important for your spine as the discs between the vertebrae require water to maintain the height and the spinal alignment to take pressure off.
    Maintaining a regular hydration habit over time prevents further degeneration of the cervical discs, which reduces neck pain.
  3. Keep your computer screen at eye level

  4. The positioning of computer screen at the eye level is essential. Make sure that when you sit comfortably in your office chair, your gaze is directly in the middle of your computer screen. If it’s not, adjust the screen height. Also, take frequent breaks – get up and move around at least every 30 minutes for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Use a mobile headset

  6. Avoid holding your mobile phone between your ear and shoulder for a long time. A hands-free device is a great way to talk. It not only helps you to maintain the right posture but also keeps the harmful radiations away from your brain.
  7. Maintain proper posture

  8. Poor posture can cause neck pain, shoulder pain and back pain. Always maintain the right posture at all times while sitting, walking or standing. This helps to avoid straining of muscles and ligaments and also gives you a confident look.
  9. Carry weight evenly

  10. A common mistake people make is, carrying a heavy purse or briefcase in one hand. This creates an uneven posture in your shoulders, straining the muscles of one side and causing pain.
    Carry only your essentials in your purse or briefcase. Consider using a backpack for heavier loads to evenly distribute the weight across your shoulders.
  11. Use a water pillow

  12. Various water pillows are available in the market and are worth considering for patients who have tried traditional neck pillows and braces without any positive effects. These pillows can be made firmer or softer according to your needs.
  13. Try acupressure

  14. Acupressure provides effective relief in neck pain. It soothes the tissues by concentrating on the pain points and relaxing them. It’s important to either learn acupressure techniques properly or get it done by a skilled professional.
  15. Try remedial massage

  16. Remedial massage has great effect on neck pain. It differs from traditional massage as it involves rubbing oil into the skin so that it penetrates deep into the muscles and joints, removing toxins and improving the mobility of the muscles.
  17. Increase topical and oral magnesium intake

  18. Increasing the intake of magnesium aids in the contraction and relaxation of muscles. It helps in avoiding muscle strain and sprains that can lead to neck pain.
    Magnesium is commonly found in fruits, dry fruits, vegetables, beans, soy products and whole grains.
    Epsom salt or magnesium oil can be directly used on skin for a bath. Consult with your physician before using such supplements or oils.
  19. Exercise neck muscles

  20. Do strengthening and stretching exercises frequently to keep your neck muscles strong. One simple exercise is “the chin tuck” exercise. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles that pull the head into alignment over your shoulders. It also stretches the scalene and sub occipital muscles.

Always make healthy choices to stay fit and improve your health. If the situation is more painful or you’re suffering from an injury, we recommended visiting a chiropractic clinic or physiotherapist to treat the symptoms.

Call us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ron.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Chiropractor in Barrie on Seasonally Dependent Diagnoses

Chiropractors in Barrie

My name is Dr. Ronald T. Linzner. I’ve been a practicing Chiropractors in Barrie for nearly twenty years now. In these twenty years I’ve learnt a few things and have seen a few trends.

One of the major trends that I’ve noticed is, seasonally dependent diagnosis. Since it’s not a common term, I’ll explain it to you. This term represents a condition that is seen far more frequently at a certain time of the year due to some factors and climatic conditions beyond our control.

Let’s discuss a few of these diagnoses to understand why they happen. This will help you to know what may be happening to you or your loved ones at a certain time. This may also give you the insight of how a chiropractor can help you with these conditions.

Some of the common seasonally dependent diagnosis are:

1.Sacroiliac pain and dysfunction with exaggerated gluteal or bum muscle involvement.

1.This problem commonly arises between mid-December to late March with great deal of frequency. It most commonly starts in January.

2.The reason for it is quite simple. The ground is often cold and slippery at this time of the year. People cannot have their normal stride and gait cycle and instead of pushing off with their toes and calves and propelling forward, they walk flat footed and straight legged in order to avoid slipping.

3.The farther and faster they walk, the worse it gets.

4.I’ve observed and treated it successfully year after year. If you also suffer from the pain in your lower.

Barrie Orthotics

2.Foot and knee pain

1.It’s common in the Spring season.

2.People have been cooped up all winter and as the weather changes, they’re able to get out and do more activities.

3.In Spring, people walk farther and more briskly than they have all winter. As a result they stretch the fascia on their feet and torque their knees and send underlying foot mechanical problems to a prominent position.

I generally assess the patient to make sure I’ve the correct diagnosis and then treat the inflammation. I also analyse their gait to see if an orthotic is necessary for some time. If necessary, custom orthotics are provided to each patient. These orthotics are very successful in treating patients and get them moving back at speed.

3.Pain between the shoulder blades:

1.This is very common in the fall.

2.People rake leaves and perform other physical activities in their lawns that they do not do all year long.

3.As a result of increase in such activities strain of the musculature is caused and often subluxation of rib also heads.

This condition can be easily and best treated by an experienced chiropractor.

The point of this story is that seeing a chiropractor with years of experience leaves you benefiting from his wealth of experience in finding, diagnosing and treating conditions efficiently.

Whenever you need a chiropractors in Barrie, call me, Dr Ronald T. Linzner. I have long experience in diagnosing and treating conditions for legs, back, shoulders and neck. At my chiropractic clinic we also provide custom orthotics to suit your needs and ease.

Author Bio:
Dr. Ronald T. Linzner B.Sc., D.C. has been a chiropractor for Back Pain in Barrie, Ontario since his graduation in 1996. He has an interest in the feet and gait and their effect on the spine and is experienced in diagnosing and correcting problems with your gait. He designs custom orthotics and orthopedic shoes. If you are not sure if it is a chiropractic problem ask. He will be happy to let you know.

Call us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ron.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Back and abdominal exercises – What you should know

Back and abdominal exercises – What you should know
The spinal cord provides a support frame to your back. Muscles and ligaments connected to this frame give strength and stability to your spine, arms and legs. These muscles are abdominal and back muscles. They are the key components to keep your body upright and movement smooth.
When these core muscles are in poor health, additional stress is applied to your spine leading to back pain and sometimes even back injury. Hence, special exercises are recommended by a chiropractor for back pain. These exercises strengthen the core muscles, making you strong and healthy.

Benefits of Back and Abdominal Exercise

Weak or tight muscles can lead to painful cramps. They can also cause problems in the bone structure of the spine due to poor posture. Developing strength in back and abdominal muscles has many benefits like:
  1. Improving your posture
  2. Reducing the chances of back pain
  3. Reducing the severity of back pain
  4. Protecting you against injury by responding efficiently to stresses
  5. Quick healing of back problems

Categories of Back and Abdominal Muscles for Exercise

There are three different muscle categories for exercises:
  1. Extensors –  Back and gluteal muscles
  2. These muscles are used to straighten the back, lift and extend, and the movement of the thighs away from the body.
  3. Flexors – Abdominal and iliopsoas muscles
  4. These muscles are used to bend and support the spine from the front. They also control the lower spine, flex and movement of thighs toward the body.
  5. Obliques or Rotators – Paraspinal muscles or side muscles
  6. These muscles are used to stabilize the spine when upright. They also rotate the spine and help maintain proper posture and spinal curvature.
Without specific back and abdominal exercises, these muscles will weaken over time, increasing the chance of developing or worsening back pain.

Guidelines for Back and Abdominal Exercises

General guidelines for workouts:
  1. Do not start exercises for the first time during a back pain. Consult your chiropractor for back pain exercises first and then start.
  2. Continue exercising even after pain diminishes, rather, add back and abdominal exercises to your daily workout regime.
  3. Do a combination of extension and flexion exercises to balance the trunk muscles.
  4. Exercises in sets of 3 to 5 repetitions for 4 times a week.
  5. Start working out under the guidance of a physical therapist or at least a gym trainer to learn properly and get the right posture.
You have to be patient as the results of these exercises may take up to 6 weeks. Together with the exercises you can use custom made orthotics to maintain your posture while walking and standing.
A strong back and healthy abdominal muscles can help avoid and heal most types of back pain, especially the common forms. But always seek expert advice from a chiropractic clinic when beginning a back strengthening routine.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Get rid of your back pain today!

Get rid of your back pain today!

Get rid of your back pain today!
There is a time when everyone needs to see a chiropractor. If that time for you is now you will need to choose the best chiropractor in your area. If you are looking in Barrie Ontario, the best chiropractor is Dr Ronald Linzner. Dr Ron is the best chiropractor in Barrie for several reasons. First of all his patients say so. Those patients that come to him say that Dr Ron is the best chiropractor in Barrie and that is a great testimonial. He has had families and generations of families attend his office. A patient that refers their children is showing a great deal of confidence. They would only entrust the healthcare of their child to the best chiropractor in Barrie or the town where they live.
Back pain is a very common condition. In fact, most people will have back pain at sometime in their lives. Some people have back pain more frequently than others. If you are one of the many people with back pain then a chiropractor is the person you need to see. The Manga report, commissioned by the Ontario government, says that chiropractors get patients healthy and back to work faster and cheaper than any other form of healthcare. So chiropractors are the go to people for back pain. If your back is hurting and you need a chiropractor, and you want the best chiropractor in Barrie then Dr Ron is your chiropractor or choice.
Orthotics are small corrective devices in your shoes that help to control your feet while you walk. Since your feet are the foundation for your body and help to control your legs hips and low back, it is important that they work efficiently. The orthotics that are designed by Dr Ron at Simcoe County Chiropractic are the best devices available. They are thin able to be fit into almost any shoe and offer unbeatable control. They are the best devices form the best clinic and have great warranty service. It is amazing how much better orthotics will make you feel and how much more energy you will have if your body is not trying to control poor mechanics by itself.
You will no doubt need a chiropractor at some point in your life. If the time is now for you then try Dr. Ronald Linzner at Simcoe County Chiropractic Clinic in Barrie Ontario. You will be getting the best of everything. Dr Ron has been in full time practice since 1996 and working with orthotics for over 19 years now. The experience you have when dealing with the best chiropractor and the best possible orthotics will be second to none. See you there soon.

Call us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ron.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Chiropractor, your friend for life

While choosing a Chiropractors in Barrie look for a chiropractor for life rather than a chiropractor who is interested in the number of times that they can see you. This can be a very important and tedious decision to make. I recently found my appointment book from 1996. June 26 of that year was my first day. That makes it nearly 20 years that I have been a chiropractor in Barrie. That was before computer booking and appointments and everything was on paper. I went through that book and found some very interesting dates. I found that there was a day booked off in late September for the birth of my daughter. I found a day booked in August for my second anniversary and a day in November for the move in our first home.
Going through that appointment book I found some other interesting things. The patients’ names from my first day are and were very special. Some of them are older now and unable to visit but still call and send things on the holidays. Some of them remember seeing my kids just after they were born and some of them are no longer with us. These people have helped me live a very good life in Barrie as a chiropractor and as a parent. Then I looked at my appointment book from this week and I realized that I must have made an impression on some of these patients over the years. Three patients from my first day were in this week and many others are still in my patient roster. They have all grown older and stayed pretty well and have continued to visit after nearly 20 years. I introduced two of those patients to each other as people that were here on my very first day and both said things that made me feel very proud. I have looked after them for years and they have, in turn, looked after me. It was at this time that I realized that I had made it. I had made it to the point where I am looked at as the chiropractor in Barrie, people want to go to. This is a great feeling and something that makes me feel proud of myself.
I look forward to at least a few of the patients that were here on my first day being here in 30 years on my last day telling their friends that they know the best chiropractor in Barrie. If you want a chiropractor that does things the right way and someone who will be here to look after you always, then give me a call. I am a chiropractor, I make and distribute high quality orthotics and have well trained massage therapist on staff here that treats people like I do.

Author Bio:

Dr. Ronald T. Linzner B.Sc., D.C. has been a chiropractor for Back Pain in Barrie, Ontario since his graduation in 1996. He has an interest in the feet and gait and their effect on the spine and is experienced in diagnosing and correcting problems with your gait. He designs custom orthotics and orthopedic shoes. If you are not sure if it is a chiropractic problem ask. He will be happy to let you know.