Friday, July 31, 2015

Have you ever considered visiting a chiropractor for your back pain?  If you’re unsure about how to deal with your back pain, there’s no better time than now to get some information about chiropractic care.

If you’ve ever experienced back pain you know that it can truly affect all aspects of your daily life.  For some people, back pain occurs so often that rather than resolve it, they choose to accept it as normal and treat it with medication.  If you’re one of the many people that live with this condition, then a chi-ropractor is just the person you need to see.

The Manga report, commissioned by the Ontario government, says that chiropractors get patients healthy and back to work faster and cheaper than any other form of healthcare.  So make this your first option rather than turning to pain killers or other forms of treatment.

Each patient is unique and so Dr. Ron works considers each patient’s case individually to identify the root cause of their back pain.  Very often orthotics are used as corrective action to resolve the cause of the back pain.

Orthotics are small corrective devices in your shoes that help to control your feet while you walk. Since your feet are the foundation for your body and help to control your legs hips and low back, it is im-portant that they work efficiently.  The orthotics that are designed by Dr Ron at Simcoe County Chiro-practic are the best devices available.  They are thin able to be fit into almost any shoe and offer un-beatable control.  They even come with great warranty service.  It is amazing how much better orthotics will make you feel and how much more energy you will have if your body is not trying to control poor mechanics by itself.

Dr. Ronald Linzner at Simcoe County Chiropractic Clinic firmly believes that a chiropractor-patient relationship is built over time and based on trust.  His patients span generations and constantly refer their friends and family to Dr. Ron which is a great testament.  Seeing his patients walk around pain-free just adds to the wonderful testimonials he receives from them.  When people refer their family, it shows a great deal of confidence in their chiropractor.

If you ever need to see a chiropractor, make sure it’s the best one available and considers your health a priority.  Dr. Ron at Simcoe County Chiropractic Clinic in Barrie has often been dubbed the best chiro-practor in Barrie by his patients.  Rest assured that the experience you will have when dealing with the best chiropractor and the best possible orthotics will be second to none.  Take advantage of Dr. Ron’s 19 years of experience with orthotics.  Call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ron.

Author Bio:
Dr. Ronald T. Linzner B.Sc., D.C. has been a chiropractor for Back Pain in Barrie, Ontario since his graduation in 1996. He has an interest in the feet and gait and their effect on the spine and is experienced in diagnosing and correcting problems with your gait. He designs custom orthotics and orthopedic shoes. If you are not sure if it is a chiropractic problem ask. He will be happy to let you know.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Chiropractic is simply very effective  for back pain. There is a huge problem, an epidemic even, with back trouble in our society. Seventy or eighty percent of people have backaches and of those a good proportion of these people will miss work or something they like to do. Absenteeism in the workforce is a huge concern for business and industry. Workers missing time as a result of back related ailments accounts for millions of lost dollars a year in Canada. Chiropractors are considered to be most efficient  for treating these problems in the present and the future. The lack of benefit of acetaminophen in the treatment of back pain has just been released. This was one of the staples in the medical treatment of these ailments and it has been shown to be ineffective. Chiropractic has been shown to be much more effective than medical treatment for acute low back pain than acetaminophen.
Physiotherapy is also a common treatment, but is not as effective as chiropractic in the majority of cases. Chiropractic helps people with low back aches because as chiropractors we have access to the tools of physiotherapy with the addition of the powerful tools of spinal manipulation. The best therapy by far is chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy. In the Manga Report, commissioned by the Ontario government, chiropractic was listed as the most optimal choice for back aches because it got patients better twice as fast for half the cost of standard medical treatments like medications and physiotherapy. The medical journals now tell medical doctors that it is prudent to refer patients to chiropractors as they are the treatment specialists.
Dr Ronald Linzner is a chiropractor for back pain, in Barrie, Ontario, specializing in the treatment of back aches and disorders of the spine and peripheral joints. The best choice for back pain is chiropractic and with Dr Ronald Linzner B.Sc., D.C. you'll find yourself in great hands.
Dr Ron uses several treatment methods into his practice with the goal of being the most trustworthy and caring chiropractor for back pain. He knows that the spine can mimic many conditions and even effect areas that are not normally associated with the spine. Headaches are very common as are problems with the ribs or costovertebral joints. Headaches very commonly respond to chiropractic treatment and should be addressed as soon as possible if they occur. Patients with headaches are always very appreciative when they have been treated and helped. Other problems like gait issues are often overlooked by other professionals. Chiropractors, Dr Ronald Linzner in particular, pay special attention to how you walk and how that effects your overall well being. If your gait is not corrected you may cause an imbalance in the spine and pelvis leading to knee pain, foot pain, low back soreness and even headaches. Let Dr Ronald Linzner, a chiropractor in Barrie, be your choice for the treatment of your back, neck and foot related issues. Chiropractic is not only effective for all back ailments but also for headaches and orthotic therapy. A chiropractor like Dr Ronald Linzner can relate all of your issues together and is, therefore the one to count on for back trouble, headaches, and orthotic therapy.

Author Bio:
Dr. Ronald T. Linzner B.Sc., D.C. has been a chiropractor for Back Pain in Barrie, Ontario since his graduation in 1996. He has an interest in the feet and gait and their effect on the spine and is experienced in diagnosing and correcting problems with your gait. He designs custom orthotics and orthopedic shoes. If you are not sure if it is a chiropractic problem ask. He will be happy to let you know.